In 2014 the Kentucky General Assembly designated October of each year as Anti-Bullying Month.
Sheriff Mike Smith would like to make everyone aware that
Cyberbullying is a growing form of bulling occurring online through the use of text messages or emails and to let our kids know there are things they can do to protect themselves from cyberbullying:
• Always think about what you post. You never known when someone will forward it to someone else.
• Do not post or share anything that could hurt or embarrass anyone.
• Keep your password a secret from other kids, even your friends.
• Think about who sees what you post online, friends, friends of friends, complete strangers, Use of Privacy Settings let you control who sees what.
• Keep your parents in the loop. Let them friend or follow you. Listen to what they say about what is and isn’t okay.
• Report cyberbullying immediately. Talk to an adult you trust about any messages you get or things you see online that make you sad or scared.
• If it is occurring at school, report it to a teacher or other school official.
Sheriff Smith would also like to remind everyone that cyberbullying is a crime. Kentucky Law states that Cyberbullying can be charged under Kentucky’s harassment law when a bully engages in two or more acts that alarm or seriously annoy the victim and serve no legitimate purpose.
The penalty under this KRS is a maximum of 90 days incarceration and up to a $250 fine.