A message from Sheriff Mike Smith regarding child safety:
As the 2018-2019 school year begins, I would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable school year. Back to school is an exciting and busy time and safety is not always on a child’s mind.
In order to ensure the safety of Knox County’s school children, motorists are reminded to drive with extra caution when entering school zones and when approaching a school bus either loading or unloading children. Motorists are further reminded to use caution in the area of schools even after the school day ends due to extracurricular activities and sporting events.
There are some safety tips that you as a motorist can practice that would help to make school children safer:
Never pass a stopped school from behind or from any other direction.
Stop far enough distance from a school bus to allow children to safely enter and exit the bus. It should be noted that the area 10 feet around a school bus is the most dangerous for children.
Be alert: children often are unpredictable, and they intend to ignore hazards and take risks. Leave home earlier to allow yourself more time during the extra traffic on the highways when schools are in session.
Take extra care to look out for children in school zones and near playgrounds.
Observe the posted speed limits, especially in school zones.
Be prepared for sudden stops.
Refrain from distracted driving such as texting and other cell phone usage.