Biography of Louise Spencer

Louise Spencer, born Ethel Louise Lay January 30, 1954, is a native of Huntsville, Alabama. Louise is a graduate of Asbury University (May 2015); is presently attending Asbury Theological Seminary and is expected to graduate December 2018. Louise also attended Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama and Central Texas College in Miesau, Germany.
Reverend Spencer is involved in Sunday school, Women in Ministry of the Kentucky Conference and serves as Pastor at Wayman Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church located in Barbourville, Kentucky. Louise is a hospice volunteer for Heritage Hospice.
Louise was ordained a Local Deacon in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2011and reobligated an Itinerate Deacon in 2017 at the 150th Annual Conference. She was licensed to preach in 2002 while a member of Bates Memorial Church in Louisville, Kentucky and licensed by the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 2008.
Reverend Spencer has been involved in church ministry in the following capacities; congregational care, decision counselor, finance clerk, secretary of Sunday school, choir, hand puppeteer, Vocational Bible School teacher and crafts teacher, Sunday school teacher, Bible studies teacher, Singles Ministry Coordinator, bulletin board creator, kitchen staff, usher, and volunteer. Louise created a newsletter, Morsels for the Soul, when she was a member of New Hopewell, pastored by the Reverend Larry R. Lockett, Sr. in Tanner, Alabama, in which she complied, published and was Editor-in-chief. She is presently the Sunday School Superintendent of the Kentucky Annual Conference.
Reverend Louise Spencer and her husband, Chaplain Percy Spencer, Jr., presently reside in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Louise and Percy are the parents of four adult children and the grand parents of six boys and two girls. Reverend Spencer retired in 2005 after 29 years with the Federal Government including four years of active duty in the United States Army.
If you plan to attend, the March will begin at Union Plaza Shopping Center at 11:00 AM and will end at the Knox County Courthouse. The program will continue inside the courthouse in the Knox County District Court Room at 11:30 AM. There will be a luncheon immediately following at
St. Gregory Catholic Church, 329 Sycamore Street.