On Tuesday, the Knox County Fiscal Court — accompanied by Senate President Robert Stivers and Rep. Tom Smith — held their groundbreaking ceremony for the Knox County Sports Complex, a $4 million project which will feature both baseball and softball fields. The Sports Complex is the first phase in a multi-series project geared towards “not only our children but also our community,” in Judge/Executive Mike Mitchell’s words. In attendance were members of various Little League teams and their families, representatives of both Barbourville City School and Knox County Public Schools, local contractors hired for construction of the Sports Complex, and more.

The Knox County Sports Complex is the result of a two-year planning period involving both the previous and current Knox County Fiscal Court, an endeavor that Judge/Executive Mitchell hailed as “a plan with vision.” Echoing those sentiments, Rep. Smith recounted his own focus when taking office: “My vision in going to Frankfort was, what can we do for our young people?” he said. “And this project is furthering exactly that.”

Both Senate President Stivers and Rep. Smith alike, however, were singular in placing the praise in the Knox County Fiscal Court’s actions, foresight, and planning. “A lot of people don’t realize the assets and resources we in southeastern Kentucky have,” Stivers said. “But this Fiscal Court’s visionary approach will further tourism and show outsiders what this area can do.”
The groundbreaking concluded with the Little League players hitting the first baseballs over the new park’s grounds with glee.

When it was all said and done, Judge/Executive Mitchell told Knox County News, “This is just the beginning.”
He gestured around us at the children running around in excited whorls.
“And it’s all for them: the future of Knox County.”