On April 10, 2018 Kentucky State Police Det. Josh Howard located and spoke with Caitlyn Bosley (16) who has been missing since March 27, 2018. Caitlyn has been located safe in Charlotte NC and her parents have been notified. KSP is continuing the investigation and will release more information as it comes available tomorrow.

Kentucky State Police Detective Josh Howard has charged Jonathan Stewart, 41, of Charlotte, NC, with kidnapping. KSP intelligence analyst Chris Daniels with Post 10 Harlan was able to locate the suspect and missing juvenile through cell phone records and social media data. Through the investigation, it was determined Mr. Stewart traveled to Kentucky where he picked up the juvenile and transported her back to his residence in North Carolina. With the assistance from detectives from Charlotte/Mecklenburg Police Department, the missing juvenile was located unharmed at Mr. Stewart’s residence. The juvenile was taken into protective custody and released to her family. Mr. Stewart was served with an arrest warrant and extradition order from Kentucky. At this time, KSP is awaiting Stewart to be extradited back to Kentucky to face charges. Case is still under investigation by Detective Josh Howard. More criminal charges could be filed pending the investigation.