The Knox County Board of Education met tonight in special session to address the schools official policy on metal detectors. The Board voted unanimously to approve policy changes to allow all schools to allow the use of metal detectors at the schools entrances.
Superintendent Kelly Sprinkles said that every school has the devices in place and will be in operation within the next few days. Sprinkles informed the board that a pilot program has been in operation at Knox County Middle School for the past week and the process had went amazingly well for that school.
Knox County Middle School Principal Jeremy Ledford said, ” We have been able to get 350 kids through the screening in about eight minutes.” Ledford went on to state that his school does not allow backpacks to be carried in the school at this time.
Sprinkles said that each school will set its on policy as far as backpacks are concerned.
The following statement was released by the school system after the meeting:
“The Knox County Board conducted a special called meeting tonight to approve policies and procedures relating to the use of metal detectors in our schools. All schools now have their units and will be utilizing them soon. A letter explaining the use of metal detectors will be sent home by students on Tuesday. Final copy of the policy and procedure will be published to our website once filed with the Kentucky School Board Association.”