Kimberly Smith, wife of Dr. A.J. Smith of Barbourville Family Dental continues her annual tradition of delivering Easter baskets to residents of the Barbourville Nursing Home on Thursday. Smith began four years ago putting together baskets that contain such items as lotion, stuffed animals, socks and comfort items.
When asked how the tradition got started, Smith explains, “When God tells you to do something, you do it. Small acts of kindness can go a long way. When I went to the nursing home with my mom a few years ago to let Kora, my daughter, take an Easter Basket to a resident that was my mom’s friend, I loved seeing how happy that little basket made her. When I walked out, I saw other residents without one. I told my mom that the next year, I would bring one for everyone. She laughed and said that’s a lot of baskets. If God is in it, it works”, stated Kimberly.

Smith went on to say, “It is a small mission but I pray they see God still thinks about them and that they know how special they are. I’m not going to lie, I freeze at the door. I cry when I can’t help them and I become crippled when I try to walk down that hallway. But, God sends soldiers to help where I have to stop. Smiling faces who hand baskets and love to the residents. I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who helped. I am so blessed. I know people have been so nice and have told me I did something good. But it really isn’t me… it’s God and all the people who help.”