All content was submitted and published without any edits. We do not endorse any candidate but we encourage everyone to supply a biography so we can inform the community of the candidates statements.
I am running for Knox County School Board District 2. I was born and raised in Barbourville, Kentucky ( Knox County) for last 37 years. Graduating from Knox Central High School in 2000.on February 1981 to James R & Kathy Gray And his Late Grandparents Evie & Majel Gray of Artemus and Clyde & Ruby Sizemore of Bimble. James is Married Kimberly Harris Gray or 3 years This location is important to know and understand the background.

James also for Work the Knox County Schools for 2000
My name is James E Gray and I am running for a position on the Knox County School Board. Gray detailed his reason for running for school It has been a long time goal of mine to serve our and give back community in such a capacity. Good citizenship has always been important to me. Knox County Public School s are very important to me.
I believe that Schools are the heart of a community and what better way to give back than to serve as a board member
If elected, Gray explained his goal would be to establish better communication between the board and parents. If parents have a concern, I would love to not only know about this concern but I would like to be a part of the solution.
It’s my belief that board members have a responsibility to be hands on and active with the community,” said Gray. “We must be aware of issues so that we may help address them.
When it comes to our budget we must be fiscally responsible and recognize that today may be a good day but tomorrow could be different. We must be prepared for the expected and the unexpected.”
Gray noted that he is looking forward to an opportunity to work on educating the future. “As an aspiring educator I have the passion and love for education that will drive me to work hard each and every day,”Gray explained. “It is our job as a community and it is the job of a board member to make sure that we provide a safe learning environment for all students. That is why I will work to solve any and all safety issues that come about.” An excellent school system is a key component of Knox County Schools.
I am a Member New Bethel Baptist Church for 5 years now.
I would appreciate it if the residents of District 2 would vote on November 6th and give me the chance to bring new ideas and vision to the Knox County Public Schools.
I ask that you cast your vote for me, James E Gray for Knox County School Board on November 6th 2018 in General Election. I will make you proud you elected me.