Official Press Release from Laurel County Sheriff John Root
Update 3-11-19 at 9:15 A.M.
The driver and only occupant of the 2008 Saturn was identified as: Dillon Ellis age 21 of London pronounced deceased at the scene by Laurel County Coroner Doug Bowling.
Fatal traffic crash:
Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff’s Deputy Josh Scott along with Deputy Shannon Jones and Deputy Josh Morgan are investigating a single vehicle single fatal traffic crash which occurred on KY 1006 just south of London on Monday morning March 11, 2019 at approximately 3:02 a.m. The investigating deputies report that apparently a car was traveling westbound on KY 1006 when it left the road clipping a utility pole and striking a guide wire and over turning on top of a Tahoe parked at a residence there. The driver was pronounced deceased at the scene. Assisting at the scene was Ambulance Inc. of Laurel County, London Laurel rescue squad, Laurel County volunteer fire department, and the Laurel County coroner’s office. More information will be released later this morning.