Barbourville Elementary first graders were given the opportunity to plant pinwheels by Knox Promise Neighborhood to recognize April as “Child Abuse Prevention Month.”

According to www.childwelfare.gov, “Each year in April, the President of the United States issues a proclamation to announce National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Many State Governors also issue proclamations to encourage public awareness of child abuse and neglect, recommit State resources to the cause, and promote community involvement through State and local activities.”
The Barbourville Junior Woman’s Study Club hosted an event this past week where Barbourville Mayor David Thompson and Judge-Executive Mike Mitchell signed a proclamation marking April as Child Abuse Prevention in Barbourville and Knox County. The Club also planted pinwheels around the square.
Why Pinwheels?

According to the Prevent Child Abuse America website, “In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America introduced the pinwheel as the new national symbol for child abuse prevention through Pinwheels for Prevention®. What our research showed, and what our experiences since then have borne out, is that people respond to the pinwheel. By its very nature, the pinwheel connotes whimsy and childlike notions. In essence, it has come to serve as the physical embodiment, or reminder, of the great childhoods we want for all children.”
Barbourville Independent also hosted a “No Excuse for Child Abuse” art competition. Second place was awarded to Ava Lawson, 1st grade, for her creative pictorial. First place was awarded to Isabella Smallwood, 5th grade, for her very artistic and in depth painting.