The Annie Moses Band
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Corbin High School Auditorium, Corbin, KY
7:30 p.m.
The Annie Moses Band is a Christian family of Juilliard trained musicians and award winning songwriters dedicated to virtuosity in the arts. Led by lead singer/violinist, Annie Wolaver, the Band includes her six siblings, Alex, viola, Benjamin, cello, Camille, harp/keyboard, Gretchen, violin/mandolin, and Jeremiah, on guitar and banjo. Add the veteran song writing talents of their parents, Bill and Robin Wolaver, and you have a dynamic group with roots in classical, pop, and jazz. Together, they are leading an artistic renaissance in the Church through musical excellence, strength of family, and a message of faith, inspiring all generations to join in the discipline, beauty, and excitement of highly skilled musicianship.
This concert is FREE for Union College faculty, staff, and students with ID.
Tickets: $30 each.